Search season is nearly upon us, and I remember the flurry of feelings associated with it quite well. The job search season can be a trying one for anyone- it feels as though your future is on hold until these crucial details can come together.

For introverts, creatives, and others seeking something particular in a new position, the process can be additionally taxing; so many elements work against the temperament we naturally operate within. Where and who do I have to be, when? What should I look for if I’m creative and want a role that embraces that? How do I balance sounding accomplished and feeling cocky? What do I say?!


This job search season (February-April), I’m opening up my schedule to create time for one-hour calls to chat about the process. These are not career counseling calls, or job search coaching, but insight calls designed to give you a second look at who you are and how you can present your skills and abilities best in the search process.

Whether you identify as introverted, are prioritizing creativity and humor in your next role, or just need a second opinion as you embark on this journey, I hope I can be of help to you.

BOOK EXCERPT: “The Introverted Interviewee” (from The I’s Have It)

Are you an introvert struggling with how to attack a cover letter? Let’s chat.

Are you looking to move on from your first role, and need help deciding your next move? I’d love to talk!

Trying to decide how to best highlight your strengths? I can help with that!

Just need a sounding board, someone objective to answer these questions? Happy to help 🙂

PREVIEW: The Introvert’s Guide to Nailing a Job Interview 

You’ll notice I’ve provided a pair of resources above, and that may be all you need. If so, awesome- glad I was able to be of help! There is a cost associated with the calls – $29 – but that will give you access to resources and recommendations beyond what I’ve shared above, and dedicated time with someone invested in your success, a voice beyond the pages/code.

Additionally, you’ll receive:

  • Signed copies of both The I’s Have It and Light it Up;
  • A customized summary of our time together, with recommendations for your search and highlight-worthy points noted; and
  • Advance access to any job search content I publish this job search season delivered directly to your inbox (3 days before the general public sees it on

If you have any questions ahead of the sign-up, please don’t hesitate to get in touch; I want to make sure what I can offer is right for you.

Ready? Sign Up Here and Pick Your Time.

Questions? I welcome them! Shoot me an email and we can chat.

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