Cultivating Creativity is Amma’s newest book, providing a comprehensive guide to what she views as the essential elements of developing a creative practice. Long bothered by the refrain of “I’m not creative” in colleagues, friends, and students, this new book aims to provide examples, encouragement, and resources to help you strengthen your creative muscles. Amma is convinced that by mining the world around you, working in tandem with other talented minds, and cultivating a mindset that can push you through the most difficult moments of breakthrough, creativity will be within your reach.

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light it up front cover art

Light it Up: Engaging the Introverted Student Leader is a student-centered follow up to 2014’s The I’s Have It, conceived to help faculty, staff, advisors, and mentors work with students through the involvement cycle (recruitment, selection and training, advising and supervision, evaluation and assessment, and rewards and recognition) while honoring and capitalizing on their introverted nature.

The book also features interludes and guest chapters from other student affairs practitioners, highlighting additional considerations for work with introverted students to help them do their best work.

This is a wonderful book that will help all professionals in student affairs. The author weaves in stories and tools to truly shine the light on all introverts in the campus environment.” -Jennifer Kahnweiler, author of The Introverted Leader, Quiet Influence, and Genius of Opposites

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THE I’S HAVE IT coverThe I’s Have It: Reflections on Introversion in Student Affairs was Amma’s first foray into a publication about introversion in higher education. This book was designed with a few goals in mind:

  • Demystify the nature of introversion as an element of temperament and personality;
  • Illuminate some common symptoms of “introvert overload,” and suggest methods to overcome them; and
  • Provide strategies and advice on how to navigate introversion in number of professional and paraprofessional environments.

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The I’s Have It: Reflections on Introversion in Student Affairs is an anthem for those of us identifying as introverts. In this engaging book, Amma Marfo skillfully counters the myths regarding introverts, hailing our strengths instead. Complete with tips for successfully navigating an extroverted world, the text also provides advice for those working with introverted staff and students. This is the “go to” resource regarding introverts in higher education. I’m eagerly awaiting Light it Up, Amma’s next book!”

-Gavin Henning, ACPA President

“Forget the title’s focus on Student Affairs; this is a little gem that will help you understand other people as well as yourself. I’m one of those people who has difficulty understanding myself. On the one hand, I NEED lot of alone time; on the other, I do my best work – and am happiest – with other people. Likewise, I’d like to think I am good at empathizing with people who think differently than I do, but in truth I often have a hard time understanding what’s happening in the other person’s head. This book is an invaluable tool to address both issues.”

-Bruce Kasanoff, Ghostwriter and LinkedIn influencer

“Amma writes with a respectful openness and vulnerability I appreciate. Great introductory read about temperament for I’s and E’s alike!”

-Lisa Endersby, Student Affairs Assessment Scholar and Consultant

“This book is, simply put, an extrovert’s other half.”

-Juhi Bhatt, Student Conduct Practitioner