It’s only a few days into September, but I’m already looking ahead to fall.

(Sorry, Pumpkin Spice Industrial complex, the other summer babies and I have until the 20th! Don’t rush us!)

And what a fall it’s already shaping up to be. In a year that has already offered countless opportunities for us to consider change, I’m having more and more conversations who are hoping to change their career trajectory.

So this October, I’m highlighting three programs to help higher education professionals who are seeking to change their circumstances.

First, the free weeklong email challenge Five Days to Defector-Ready will run again on Sunday, October 4th. Five Days to Defector-Ready presents five questions that those starting to think about a pivot will need to consider as they embark upon a search. The questions arrive in your inbox each morning, and can be completed at your leisure.

Those wanting a more in-depth, but still somewhat self-paced option, will want to look at the monthlong Defectober program. This five week calendar presents daily tasks that build upon one another to help you reflect on your values, career achievements and skills, where you can take them, and who can help along the way. I first offered this program last October, and it has evolved to now include two options:

Calendar Only ($39): purchase the calendar and work at it in your own time.

Calendar + Coaching ($89): you get the calendar, as well as a 30 minute call to work toward one section of the process with realtime feedback and coaching from me!

BONUS: For every Defectober program “ticket” purchased, $5 will be donated to the ACLU.

Finally, my newest offering – a small group coaching program that goes deeply into each stage of the Defector journey – is Defector Academy Wayfinding Weekend, taking place on October 16th and 17th, 2020. Three to six coaching clients will learn, reflect, and encourage one another in community as their paths take form. As someone who felt lonely and isolated when facilitating her own pivot, and who knows from years of talking to others that these feelings are common, I’m excited to combat that set of emotions by creating a cohort of career explorers.

For more details on the Defector philosophy, details on all its programs, and testimonials from clients, head to the Defector Academy page. I’m looking forward to working with many of you when fall finally does arrive!