For the past several years, I’ve worked with individuals who have pivoted from higher education and student affairs work, into new professional realms. Whether those roles have been “higher education-adjacent” or wholly unrelated to their prior work, these efforts have had a few commonalities:

  • They felt underutilized, burnt out, or unhappy in their current role…but also felt isolated and unmoored in their search for a next step;
  • They prioritized their professional satisfaction;
  • They took care to reframe their knowledge, experiences, and talents; and
  • They believed they had something to offer outside the world they knew so well.

In so many ways, I’ve been here. And in the past several years, I’ve worked with many others who have been here. It’s okay to want better for yourself…and I care deeply about helping you find what that better step might be.

Why work with me to execute a pivot? Take it from some of my satisfied clients:

“Her advice and challenges to think beyond the usual connection and concentrate on specific translatable experiences certainly helped me in the interviews that eventually led to a new job.”

“She brings in useful knowledge, practical tools, and a lightheartedness that makes you want to keep having the conversation.”

“Clever & clear approach to positioning yourself for something amazing.”

“Amma’s process was immensely helpful for my self-reflection and long term goal setting.”

“Her format was a mixture of modalities, and her general persona is fun, approachable, low-maintenance, and yet still detail oriented.”

If you’ve got the itch to explore outside the confines of higher education and student affairs, I offer a few options – varying in depth and levels of hands-on support – to do so.

The Defector Academy Blog Series
FREE, available for your own review
Series 1 | Series 2 | Defectors in Conversation | Women at Work

Defectober 2021 Monthlong Challenge Calendar

$39, enrolling now and starting October 1st, 2021

This five week calendar of daily to do’s lets you work through a task a day at your own pace, by the end of which you’ll feel more confident in your Defector journey, clearer on your direction and skills.

Defector Academy Bootcamp Webinar
$39, payable via PayPal

This brief recorded webinar provides an overview of the Defector framework, giving you a handful of tips for advancing your search intentionally. Those looking for a quick jumpstart of inspiration and a few targeted strategies will appreciate this slightly more in-depth look at Amma’s process.

Defector Academy Intensive
$299, by appointment – schedule via Calendly above

Those wanting one-on-one, real-time detailed guidance through the Defector experience, can sign up for a two-hour intensive walking you through two elements of the process. This facilitated coaching session aims to dig deeper into your discernment process, encouraging you to reflect on your values, finding a path that aligns with said values, or reframing your experiences to appeal to others on that path. We also explore more deeply how to “weaponize” your personal and professional networks to support and assist you on this journey.